Day is on the horizon, so why not do something unique for your loved one with a
little mojo magic?

best day to create a love gris gris is a Friday on a waxing (growing) moon. A
full moon works as well. When the moon is waxing, it is time to create
intention for things or people that you wish to come into your life. When the
moon is full,
the pull of the moon’s energy is at its highest, but a waxing moon works nicely
with a pink or red bag, the color of love and passion respectively. You can
make your own bags but simply sewing together three sides and connecting the
top with a string pull or purchase these bags at craft stores. The pink ones
you see here were bought at Michael’s.
the ingredients into the bag, but make sure there is an odd number. Any number
of items can be included in a gris gris bag, as long as the combination of
elements adds up to an odd number and there are at least three items in the bag
and no more than thirteen.
your love gris gris with you, smell its earthy scent and know that love is on
the way.
to learn more? Our book contains information on the use of bags throughout the
world, what natural elements such as herbs and stones mean and how to create a
variety of gris gris bags.