Thursday, September 12, 2019

King of the Wild Frontier and Elvis Presley have history in Perry County, Tennessee, which celebrates its bicentennial Sept. 20-21, 2019

Davy Crockett was thirsty but he was lacking cash. He wandered into Perry County, Tenn., nabbed a half gallon of whiskey and left an IOU for $3.50.
He wasn’t the only celebrity to slip into Perry County. Elvis stopped in Linden when his car needed fixing (hey that rhymes!) and got a shave and a haircut while he waited.
Perry County celebrates these historic happenings and much more the weekend of Sept. 20-21, 2019, to mark the county’s 200th birthday. The two days of free festivities will include 100 vendors, an old-fashioned fiddlers contest, a county fair, tours of the county’s historical landmarks, musical guests and more.
Perry County was named for Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, naval officer and hero of the War of 1812. The county was created by an act of the Tennessee General Assembly on Nov. 14, 1819.
Downtown Linden
The county is home to the quaint small towns of Linden and Lobelville. Attractions include Mousetail Landing State Park with camping, hiking, boating, picnicking, swimming and fishing. The Buffalo River Resort in Lobelville outfits the river for kayaking, canoeing and tubing and the Buffalo and Tennessee Rivers are popular destinations for boating and fishing. Main Street Market and Buffalo River Artisans Cooperative showcase the works of local artisans and Music on Main Street, the summer music series, features popular local and regional artists. Linden’s Historic Commodore Hotel and Commodore Music Café was named one of the six best places to stay in Tennessee.
As for that IOU Crockett left behind? A copy is on display in the Linden city archives. Wonder if they have Elvis's hair as well.
For more information on Perry County’s 200th Birthday celebration, visit

Weird, Wacky and Wild South is written by food and travel writer Chere Dastugue Coen who loves unusual history.

1 comment:

  1. What is your source for the Elvis info? I've heard this story several times, but would like to find proof and a date if possible.
